Wednesday, 1 February 2017

I write for the same reason I read - to escape. I think that writing is therapeutic and it allows me to leave my head for a while, to just let go of the stress that holds me captive. I don't always have a plan when I sit down with the intention of writing. Sometimes I don't even sit down to intentionally write but my fingers will take me to my blogger account or I'll flip to the back of any notebook and jot down a few things.

Writing has always been something I've enjoyed. Sometimes I've no clue what I'm writing about or where a post will take me but I try because I like it and it makes me happy. The easiest place for me to write is on the train. A long train ride and I could be writing for hours and before I know it I have a short story, a blog post to cut down to the point.

What do you write about?

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